Thursday 29 November 2012

Dae gi eui wang

Yesterday, I saw such a great movie, so good in my opinion it gave me the urge to write about on this humble blog. The english title of this film is "the king of pigs". A great title and even better when you get to know the story behind the film. It is directed by the south Korean Yeun Sang-ho and it's his first feature film. Great job anyway and more info about that will be provided by wikipeadia and other very reliable online places. Thank you internet!
Ok, lets get back on track or give it a try, like the two boys in this film who get bullied in this micorsociety called school. The film is in some kind of present where the two (meanwhile) guys meet again and collect memories about that time on school. They met this special little fucked up person who helped them. He even stood up against those bullies and grew above them. And really, that kid is in comparison with normal standard, a little bit troubled. This is why I liked this film, it's in one way or another fucked up because it is so realistic. Nothing unreal like snakes growing out vaginas or severed arms changing in chanesaws (not that I dislike this kind of movies). Nope, everybody is just ugly, really drizzly drawn and it doesn't matter who or what you are, in the end everybody is a big loser. There is no big hero and that's what I cherished the most. This society is full of so called heroes and guys who only know luck. That would be too foolish for us to believe isn't it? The ending was perfect, exactly when I wanted it to end. After this film, I feld so good, really good. I went home, did some good old fashioned in and out and continued animating. And I am so glad and proud to be an animator!
As a growing animator I wasn't that stunned by the animation. There are some parts with 3D animation who, in my opinion, could be done the other way. It get easily agitated when I see 3D animation because it reminds me of these readymade series, wich disgust me. Anyway, the fact that I saw the movie without blinking an eye says that it was good. For a better anylisis I should wach it a second time. But yeah, if you get any chance to see it, don't let it pass!

The link below profides you the trailer of the film whom I do not even own a bit of right! Let that be clear.

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